Promesse du bonheur #2
Daniel RICHTER, Nazim Ünal YILMAZ & Klasse
09. 04. 2022 - 30. 05. 2022
Promesse du bonheur #2, the second project by MLZ Art Dep and Wiener Art Foundation, investigates the evolution of European painting, through a comparison between the works of the students of the Vienna Academy and the works of three of their teachers from different generations.
The Vienna Academy, the leitmotif of the works on display, is one of the nerve centers of European painting, also thanks to the multicultural ferment that it has managed to activate in recent years, involving world-renowned artists as teachers and students from all over the world. Central European area, Turkey and the Middle East.
The exhibition follows a chronological evolution, opening with three works by master Daniel Richter (Germany, 1962) - from the Berlin studio, from the 2020 “Fuck Fuck Fuck” series in which he reinterprets and deconstructs one of his most iconic works, “Lonely Old Slogan” (2006), present in the collection of the Louisiana Museum in Denmark -, continuing with the neo-expressionist paintings by Nazim Ünal Yilmaz (Turkey, 1981) and the abstraction by Franz Wibmer (Austria, 1962), to finish with a large installation inspired by both the galleries and the workspaces of the Academy displaying of over twenty works of the students.