Camilla Alberti, Katarina Spielmann
APPROACH #1 is the first episode of the series of exhibition projects, curated by MLZ Art Dep and Wiener Art Foundation, building a dialogue between emerging artists from Austria and Italy.
APPROACH # 1 connects installations and sculptures by Camilla Alberti and paintings by Katarina Spielmann. These two artists, through different mediums, develop artistic research on hybridization and redefinition of the concept of monstrosity. Katarina Spielmann investigates the anomalies through combinations of abstraction, color fields, and shapes that translate into recognizable objects, drawing on the great tradition of American abstraction - from Gormely to Ellesworth Kelly - and surrealist automatic writing. As instead, Camilla Alberti reflects on the possibility of hybridization between different living species and the space surrounding them. She creates unexpected relationships between everyday objects - chairs, furniture, mechanical components, vinyl disc fragments, etc. -, materials of animal or vegetable origin - such as horns. , shells of shells, and so on - and materials of the sculptural tradition - above all plaster.